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3 Easy Steps To Find Out if You Need New Tires

Tires are expensive to replace. But good tires are important for you and your family’s safety. Here are 3 easy steps to quickly check if your car needs new tires.

  1. Measure the tread of your tires. 1/16th inch of less indicates it’s time to replace the tires.
  2. Look at the tread pattern (“tread wear bars”). These “wear bars” are small bridges that will form between your tire treads. If you see these bars start to form between the treads then it’s most likely time to replace them. As you put more miles on your vehicle, these bars will become level with the tire’s tread.
  3. How long has it been since you last replaced your tires? NHTSA recommends replacing your tires once every 6- 10 years depending on the usage. Many times, depending on your daily car usage, tires last for shorted duration than that. Check your owner’s manual for your car and your specific tire brand.

If in doubt, check with an auto technician. Usually they will be able to quickly tell if your tires need to be replaced. Good auto repair shops will proactively check tire conditions during scheduled oil changes or other maintenance visits.